As the head coach of Baylor University's women's equestrian team, I wanted to express my gratitude for the EquiClear product. The coaches, the riders, and the horses have been extremely happy with our EquiClear arena dust control system.
EquiClear was applied to Baylor Equestrian's arena in the middle of the hot Texas summer, and we have not needed to water our arena since. Before EquiClear, the arena absolutely needed to be watered every day; the hundred degree temperatures during our summers certainly allow arenas to get dusty very quickly. With EquiClear, we have had no dust problems. Our horses and riders are healthier, and the entire coaching staff is happier, not having to work in a dusty arena all day.
Our facility is cleaner, our equipment is cleaner, and visiting coaches, riders and spectators constantly rave about our consistent, dust-free arena. We are proud to tell them about our EquiClear arena dust control system and how effective and wonderful it has been for the Baylor Equestrian Team.
Again, thank you for your wonderful product. Baylor Equestrian is proud to use EquiClear.
Ellen White
Head Coach, Baylor Equestrian |